Podcasts en español de la ACB
American Council of the Blind

20230623 1900 SPANISH Constitution and By-Law Amendments and Resumption of Resolution 2023-16, June 23, 2023

As Aired Live unedited on ACB Media 8

June 24, 2023

Unedited archive of the simultaneous translation into Spanish of the June 23, 2023 ACB Conference and Convention Business Meeting held at 7 PM Central where the following Constitution and By-Law Amendments were heard and debated:

2023-01 Proposed amendment to Bylaw 5A to make the ACB treasurer a mandatory member of the budget committee.

2023-02 Proposed amendment to Bylaw 6D to Set the time for the appointment of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee to coincide with that specified for the resolutions committee; setting a new deadline of sixty (60) days before the opening of the convention for submission of constitution and/or bylaw amendments to the committee; and striking the sentence referencing submission of amendments in ASCII format.

Debate of resolution 2023-16 resumed after being postponed on 6/22/2023.

Resolution 2023-16 - ACVREP and OT Certification Submitted by: Michael Byington and others

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