20240303 Presidents Meeting - Afternoon
Originally Broadcasted March 3, 2024, o
20240303 Presidents Meeting - Afternoon Originally Broadcasted March 3, 2024, o
Afternoon breakout Sessions Putting the “Fun” in Fundraising: Supporting Affiliates This session explored strategies for effective Fundraising: From Grassroots to Partnerships to Individuals
Moderator: Kolby Garrison o Presenters:
Bill Reeder
- Jo Lynn Bailey-Page
- Leslie Spoone, FL
- Koni Sims, SD
How to Hold a Hybrid Meeting How are local chapters meeting in today’s environment? How can you take your chapter meeting from in-person only to being more inclusive? How tech savvy must you be to hold a hybrid meeting? All this and more was shared in this presentation.
Presenters: o Ian Foley, Buffalo Chapter, ACB of New York o Michael Babcock, Southwestern Chapter, ACB of Oregon o Leet Tucker, Columbus Chapter, ACB of Ohio
Leadership Opportunities from the DKM and INSPIRE Programs
- General Discussion
- Next steps
- Announcements
- Adjourn
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